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02 May 2023

The Importance of Grandparents and Extended Family in a Child’s Life

By Family Lawyers Mackay, 02 May 2023
Grandparents Rights

For many families, grandparents and extended family members play a significant role in the upbringing and development of children. While parents are the primary caregivers, grandparents, and extended family can provide an additional layer of support and guidance that can benefit children in various ways. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of grandparents and extended family in a child’s life.

Emotional Support

One of the most important roles grandparents and extended family members can play in a child’s life is providing emotional support. Whether it’s a listening ear, a comforting hug, or just spending quality time together, grandparents and extended family members can be a source of comfort and security for children. Studies have shown that children who have close relationships with their grandparens and extended family members have higher levels of emotional intelligence, lower levels of anxiety and depression, and a greater sense of well-being overall.

Learning Opportunities

Grandparents and extended family members can also provide valuable learning opportunities for children. They can share their life experiences, knowledge, and skills with children, and introduce them to new hobbies and interests. For example, a grandparent who is an avid gardener can teach a grandchild about plants and how to grow a garden. A family member who is a talented artist can teach a child about different art techniques and inspire their creativity. These interactions can help children develop new skills and interests that they may not have been exposed to otherwise.

Cultural Connections

Grandparents and extended family members can also help children develop a sense of cultural identity and heritage. They can share stories about their family history, traditions, and cultural practices, and help children understand and appreciate their roots. This can be particularly important for children who come from multicultural backgrounds or who may have limited exposure to their cultural heritage. Studies have shown that children who have a strong connection to their cultural heritage have higher levels of self-esteem, self-worth, and resilience (2).

Respite Care

Grandparents and extended family members can also provide much-needed respite care for parents. Raising children can be a challenging and exhausting task, and having grandparents and extended family members available to help out can give parents a much-needed break. This can be particularly important for single parents, working parents, or parents with multiple children. Studies have shown that parents who have access to reliable childcare have lower levels of stress and better mental health overall (3).Grandparents and

Diverse Perspectives

Finally, grandparents’ rights and extended family members can provide children with diverse perspectives and experiences. They may come from different generations, cultures, and backgrounds, and can offer unique insights and perspectives on the world. This can help children develop empathy, tolerance, and an appreciation for diversity. Studies have shown that children who have exposure to diverse perspectives have higher levels of creativity, problem-solving skills, and innovation (4).


By consulting one of our accredited family law mackay specialists.

In conclusion, grandparents and extended family members can play a valuable role in a child’s life. From emotional support to cultural connections and learning opportunities, grandparents and extended family members can offer a wide range of benefits to children. By nurturing these relationships, families can create a strong support network that can benefit both children and parents alike.


What are some benefits of having grandparents and extended family involved in a child’s life?

Grandparents and extended family members can provide emotional support, learning opportunities, cultural connections, respite care for parents, and diverse perspectives for children. They can also offer a sense of stability and a connection to family history and heritage.

How can grandparents and extended family help with a child’s emotional development?

Grandparents and extended family members can provide a safe and supportive environment for children to express themselves, talk about their feelings, and receive comfort and reassurance. This can help children develop emotional intelligence, empathy, and a sense of security.

Can grandparents and extended family help with a child’s education?

Yes, grandparents’ rights and extended family members can offer valuable learning opportunities for children by sharing their skills, knowledge, and life experiences. They can also introduce children to new hobbies and interests and provide a unique perspective on the world.

Are there any benefits of grandparents and extended family for parents?

Yes, grandparents and extended family members can provide respite care for parents, allowing them to take a break and recharge. This can help parents manage stress and improve their mental health. Additionally, grandparents and extended family members can offer parenting advice and support, which can be helpful for new parents.

What can parents do to encourage strong relationships between their children and their grandparents/extended family members?

Parents can encourage regular communication and visits with grandparents and extended family members, involve them in important family events and celebrations, and express gratitude and appreciation for their involvement in their children’s lives. It’s also important for parents to set clear boundaries and expectations to ensure that everyone’s needs are being met.

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