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The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Appeal in Property Settlement
06 Sep 2023

Successful Appeal Against Final Property Settlement Orders in Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

By Family Lawyers Mackay, 06 Sep 2023
Divorce Property Settlement, property settlement

When it comes to final property settlement orders in Australia, the process can be complex and emotionally challenging. However, there may come a time when you believe that the decision reached in your property settlement is unjust or needs to be revisited. In such cases, it’s crucial to understand the steps and strategies for a successful appeal. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process of appealing against final property settlement orders in Australia, ensuring you have the knowledge and confidence to pursue a fair outcome.

Understanding Final Property Settlement Orders in Australia

Before diving into the appeal process, let’s start by clarifying what final property settlement orders entail in the Australian legal context.

Property settlement orders are court-issued directives that determine how assets and liabilities should be divided between parties in the event of a divorce or separation. These orders aim to provide a fair and equitable distribution of property, taking into account various factors such as financial contributions, non-financial contributions, and future needs.

Key Factors Considered in Property Settlement Orders

  1. Financial Contributions: The financial contributions made by each party during the relationship are a significant factor. This includes income, assets, and financial support provided to the family.
  2. Non-Financial Contributions: Contributions that do not involve money, such as homemaking and child-rearing responsibilities, are also considered.
  3. Future Needs: The court assesses the future needs of both parties, taking into account factors like age, health, earning capacity, and care responsibilities.


By consulting one of our accredited family law mackay specialists.

Appealing Against Final Property Settlement Orders

Now that we have a foundational understanding let’s explore the steps involved in appealing against final property settlement orders in Australia.

Grounds for Appeal

Before proceeding with an appeal, it’s crucial to establish valid grounds for doing so. Appeals are typically based on one or more of the following:

  • Procedural Errors: If there were significant procedural errors during the initial settlement, such as a failure to disclose assets or evidence of bias, you may have grounds for an appeal.
  • Substantial Injustice: If the settlement order results in substantial injustice to one party due to unforeseen circumstances or misinterpretation of facts, an appeal may be pursued.
  • Change in Circumstances: If there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original settlement, such as a change in income or health, this can be a basis for appeal.

Initiating the Appeal

To start the appeal process, follow these steps:smart-legal-advice

  • Seek Legal Advice: Consult with an experienced family law attorney who specializes in property settlement appeals. They will assess your case and advise you on the best course of action.
  • Drafting the Appeal: Your attorney will help you prepare a notice of appeal outlining the grounds for your appeal and the relief sought.
  • Filing the Appeal: Submit the notice of appeal to the appropriate court, along with any required documents and fees.

The Appeal Hearing

Once your appeal is filed, it will proceed to a hearing. Here’s what to expect during the appeal hearing:

  • Presentation of Arguments: Both parties will present their arguments and evidence to support their case. Your attorney will play a pivotal role in advocating for your interests.
  • Judicial Review: The court will conduct a judicial review of the original settlement to determine if there were errors or injustices that warrant a change in the order.
  • Possible Outcomes: The court may uphold the original order, modify it, or order a completely new settlement based on the evidence presented.


Navigating the process of appealing against final property settlement orders in Australia can be challenging, but with the right legal guidance and understanding of the process, you can seek a fair resolution. Make sure to speak with a seasoned lawyer for family law, collect convincing evidence, and prepare for the hearing on appeal. By following these steps, you can pursue a successful appeal and work towards achieving a just outcome.

We hope that it will help you understand how Courts determine property and maintenance cases. The opinions on this page are general in their nature. Every person’s story is unique. Make an appointment with one of the Family Lawyers, IAN FIELD, MARK GAME, AARON SELLENTIN, ERIN SELLENTIN or REBECCA CASANOVAS, to discuss your personal situation.


By consulting one of our accredited family law mackay specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How long does the appeal process take in Australia?

A: The length of an appeal procedure can vary wildly based on the nature of the appeal and the court’s timetable. It could last from a few months up to a full year.

Q. Can I represent myself in an appeal?

A: While it’s possible to represent yourself, it’s highly recommended to seek legal representation, as property settlement appeals involve intricate legal procedures and complex arguments.

Q. What documents do I need for the appeal?

A: You will need all relevant documents from the original settlement, as well as any new evidence or information that supports your case. Your attorney will guide you on document preparation.

Q. Is mediation an option before pursuing an appeal?

A: Yes, mediation is often encouraged as an alternative to litigation. It can help parties reach a mutually acceptable settlement without the need for an appeal.

Q. Are there any limitations on property settlement appeals?

A: Yes, there are time limits for filing an appeal, so it’s essential to act promptly if you believe you have grounds for appeal.

Q. Can the court order a different property settlement?

A: Yes, if the court determines that the original settlement was unjust or based on errors, it can order a new property settlement that better reflects the parties’ circumstances.

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