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Australian Child Maintenance
10 May 2024

The Complete Guide to Australian Child Maintenance: Providing Your Kids with Financial Support

By Family Lawyers Mackay, 10 May 2024
Child Custody, Child Support

Many Australian parents and guardians find managing child maintenance quite challenging. It’s crucial to grasp the finer details of the financial support systems set to protect the welfare of children. This guide offers a thorough understanding of child maintenance. It analyses its different facets to effectively empower you to handle this vital aspect of parental responsibility.

Child Maintenance in Australia

In Australia, child maintenance constitutes financial support for adult children aged 18 and above.

The Federal Department of Human Services in Australia oversees child maintenance in line with Part VII of the Family Law Act 1975. This legislation highlights that the child’s welfare takes precedence when issuing a parenting order.

Child maintenance payments continue after the child turns 18 when the child support legislation no longer applies. Still, there remains a need for ongoing financial support. Courts order child maintenance generally because they find it essential for the adult child to finish their education or because the adult child has a disability or sickness demanding care.

“It’s important to note that if a child develops a mental or physical disability after turning 18, applications for court-ordered maintenance are still possible.”


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Learning Child Maintenance: What is a CSA Payment?

A CSA Payment represents financial support from one parent to another to cover a child’s living expenses. This payment is crucial for confirming that children maintain a standard of living consistent with both parents’ financial capabilities, even after their separation. Comprehending what a CSA payment entails is vital for any parent guiding the child maintenance landscape in Australia.

The Child Support Agency, a significant player in this area, is part of the Department of Human Services. It assesses the financial assistance required from each parent regarding their income, the number of children, and the time children spend with each parent. The goal is to calculate a proper and equitable amount, helping the child’s requirements without putting undue financial pressure on either parent.

CSA payments are not a one-size-fits-all solution; they are tailored to each family’s precise cases. This flexibility guarantees that the financial support aligns with the child’s needs and the parent’s capacity to contribute. Understanding the CSA’s role and the factors affecting payment calculations is crucial, whether starting a child maintenance claim or reacting to one.

How Does Child Maintenance Work?

Adult child maintenance works similarly to child support. A parent can seek financial assistance for a child over 18 who needs support due to ongoing tertiary education or a mental or physical disability.

To request a maintenance order, one must apply to the Court. This application can be created by the parent providing primary care or by a child who is either 18 or nearing their 18th birthday. The Court considers applications for a child maintenance order individually, depending on the occurrences of each case.

Maintenance for Child Support Ordered by the Court

The Family Law Act usually doesn’t require a positive relationship between the child and the parent liable for paying child maintenance. However, in some instances, the Court may evaluate the nature of this relationship if failing to do so would lead to undue hardship or injustice.

The Court evaluates the need for maintenance based on what is reasonable given the cases. It balances the parents’ resources against the child’s current and possible resources.

Other parts taken into account are:

  • The child’s age
  • Any special needs the child may have, such as physical or intellectual disabilities
  • The child’s financial earning capacity, income, and financial resources
  • The financial ability of the parents
  • The child’s academic or vocational goals and the parents’ anticipations in this regard
  • Any physical or mental disabilities
  • The likelihood of the child finishing their education

Child maintenance orders for children over 18 remain valid until a specified date or period if the Court deems the maintenance necessary. 

Under certain circumstances, courts may overturn these orders. While supporting payments are vital, parents must prioritise arranging their children’s education.

Child Support and Custody: Legal Factors

The intertwining of child support and custody matters complicates child maintenance discussions. Knowing the lawful considerations that underpin these areas is vital for parents navigating separation or divorce. It is crucial to recognise that child support and custody have different regulations and objectives, even though they’re related. Child custody arrangements, which determine with whom the child will live and the non-custodial parent’s visitation rights, directly impact child support concerns. The time a child spends with each parent can influence the financial contributions required, reflecting the shared responsibility for the child’s day-to-day expenses. Legal considerations in child support and custody cases aim to balance the child’s best interests with the parents’ circumstances and capabilities. Guiding these issues requires legal guidance to ensure that agreements are fair and prioritise the child’s interest.


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Child Maintenance Calculator: Determining the Financial Support

Suppose you’re a separated parent in Australia. In that case, the child support calculator determines the estimated sum that the parent, via more money, will have to pay. It follows the Department of Human Services’ (DHS) 8-Step formula. In calculating child maintenance, a child support assessment is critical to ensuring children’s financial support.

Here’s how child support is calculated based on the legislation’s basic formula:

First, subtract a “self-support” amount from each parent’s taxable income. Then, combine both parents’ incomes (after subtracting self-support) to determine the “combined child support income.” Next, divide each parent’s child support income by the combined income to establish their income percentage.

Then, use the care and cost table to calculate each parent’s care percentage for the child. Subsequently, each parent’s cost percentage will be determined using the same table and deducted from each parent’s income percentage to ascertain the child support percentage.

If the result is a positive percentage, child support is due. In such cases, the Department calculates the costs for each child based on the parents’ combined child support income using the cost of children, which varies depending on the age and number of the children.

Finally, the amount payable is calculated by multiplying the positive child support percentage by the child’s costs. This figure represents the child support payment the paying parent must transfer to the other parent.

Child Maintenance Agreement: Creating a Fair and Effective Plan

Getting a child maintenance agreement is one of the most essential steps in ensuring children’s economic security after divorce. This agreement outlines the financial support one parent will give the child’s care to the other. It may be set formally through legal means or casually between the parents.

Negotiation and honest discussion are crucial for developing a fair and effective plan. Regarding child maintenance obligations, both parents must consider their financial situation, the child’s needs, and the notion of fairness. An effective consensus occurs when both parents are aware of their ability to contribute and prioritise the child’s best interests.

Mediation or legal representation may be necessary in some situations to facilitate agreement. Such experts can aid parents in guiding complex economic meetings and ensure that the end plan complies with every relevant law and is fair.

Child Maintenance Services: Professionals Who Can Help

Recognising the child maintenance system can be challenging for parents. Still, several experts are available to help. From family law attorneys to mediators leading discussions, these professionals provide invaluable guidance and assistance.

Attorneys with experience in child supervision matters, like Family Lawyers Mackay, can help parents comprehend their duties and rights. They can offer advice on enforcement options, help draft agreements, and represent parents in disputes. Our expertise in family law guarantees that parents get well-informed advice catered to their particular situation.

Mediators are vital in facilitating conversations between parties to help parents reach amicable decisions that are in the best interests of their children. By using their unbiased position and negotiation-focused strategy, mediators can help parents overcome barriers to contact.

Conclusion: Ensuring Financial Support for Your Children

Securing financial support for your children through child maintenance is a vital parental responsibility, especially amid separation or divorce. Understanding the legal framework, obligations, and processes involved in child maintenance within Australia is pivotal for both parents. By engaging with these responsibilities armed with knowledge and support, parents can actively contribute to their children’s well-being and future, regardless of their circumstances.

For those seeking assistance or guidance on child maintenance matters, contacting professionals like Family Lawyers Mackay can furnish the necessary expertise to navigate this intricate terrain. Ensuring the financial support of your children isn’t merely a legal duty but an essential facet of fostering their growth and development.

Family Lawyers Mackay is poised to aid with your child’s maintenance concerns, offering expert advice and support to ensure the optimal outcome for your children.


By consulting one of our accredited family law mackay specialists.


What factors influence child maintenance calculations? 

Variables like the child’s demands, care plans, and the combined earnings of the parents are essential considerations when estimating child maintenance payments.

Can child maintenance agreements be modified?

Child maintenance agreements can be modified if situations significantly change, such as changes to care arrangements or income.

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