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Christmas period
08 Dec 2021

Top Tips On How To Survive Your Family At Christmas In Mackay

By Family Lawyers Mackay, 08 Dec 2021
Christmas, Legal Help, News

Christmas can be a stressful time for families in Mackay, whether you have separated, or your relationship remains on foot but there are some problems between you.

In this article, we look at how Mackay families can survive if your relationship has already ended, and next time we will look at some suggestions of how to survive if things are not going well.

If you have already separated, here are our top 5 tips to survive the Christmas period in Mackay.

  1. Put the children’s best interests first. This might mean that you don’t see them as often or for as long as you would like, but try and see the situation from their perspective. The children probably just want to have fun, open their presents and enjoy themselves. They are probably not counting how many minutes or hours they are with each parent, and they are probably not focused on whether they are in Mackay or some other town.
  2. Make sure that whatever time you do get to spend with the children in Mackay, that they enjoy it. In all likelihood, the children just want to enjoy their time with you and don’t want to talk about what you think about may have gone before.
  3. If your child or children are going to spend time with more than one family over Christmas, whether that is in Mackay or if you are travelling elsewhere, be creative about the arrangements. Especially if you don’t all live in Mackay, would it be easier for your children if they swapped over on Christmas Eve or Boxing Day so that they don't spend a large part of Christmas Day in the car?
  4. If you have agreed a time to do a swap over for the children, wherever in Mackay that might be, please don’t be late! This is true on all other days, but especially at Christmas.
  5. If you do need to make changes to the arrangements, give your ex plenty of notice and if you are asking them for a change to the arrangements, see if you can give them something in return – it is Christmas in Mackay after all.

Family breakdown is difficult during the rest of the year, but at Christmas, it can seem even tougher. The practical and realistic advice of an experienced family lawyer can be invaluable in helping you to get the best outcome. The team at Family Lawyers Mackay can help make sense of it all. Give them a call on (07) 4847 0198

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